photo: President-Elect Trump walks onstage at his victory rally at the Capital One Arena on Sunday, January 19th 2025 in Washington, D.C. [by Tasos Katopodis]
America will see President Donald J. Trump sworn into office as the 47th President of the United States tomorrow, January 20th 2025, for his second and last non-consecutive term, which has many challenges awaiting him and his Cabinet members and the Republican led Congress. The people are jubilant, on the whole, to see this change, but however well or badly President Trump performs this time around, his enemies and the enemies of America are still well and good and still standing in defiance of the election, prepared to carry out all manner of subversive, treasonous and even violent acts against Trump, his people and anyone who rejects the Marxist-Maoist ideology so many millions of our nation's people now seem all too willing to embrace and implement, if able to clear a path to do so.
For anyone who doesn't believe that there exists a coordinated effort to bring down the republic by our nation's own communists, fascists and nihilists and the communists in China who helped fund the Black Lives Matter movement, hundreds of simultaneous "peaceful protests" that turned into deadly, fiery riots between 2014 and 2020 and on through 2024, with professionally manufactured signs on site, bely the any assertion to the contrary, especially when we saw pallets of bricks positioned for easy access to the rioters in many major cities. And these riots usually happened over an incident that was blown out of proportion and presented through lies, omission of key facts and a general dishonest delivery designed to inflame the far left, anti-American communist rat bastards, while Democrat members of the House and Senate bowed their heads on one knee wrapped in some damned African "spiritual" scarf.
photo: Protesters take their pictures in front of the burning Juanita’s Fashion R Boutique on West Florissant Avenue in St. Louis, Missouri, early Tuesday, November 25th 2014
photo: DumbAss Democrats kneeling in the Capitol rotunda, wearing African Kente-cloths to “honor” George Floyd in June 2020
These people aren't dead. They haven't retired. They aren't "defeated" past the point of no return as many pundits and conservative journalists would have one believe. They are alive and well and already plotting and planning their next flood of hoaxes, lies, political dirty-tricks and treasonous acts from within the federal government to undermine every single executive order or policy set in operation by President Trump and his new administration; and already America has heard from former U.S. generals who have an axe to grind against Trump and conspiracy to undermine the Trump administration that was coordinated by Jamie Mannina, a top Pentagon advisor, with a group of top echelon U.S. Armed Forces officers.
And wherever we saw these riots in Democrat strongholds, such as Minneapolis, Chicago, Louisville, D.C. and elsewhere across the land, they were allowed to run their course without nary one little bit of effective counter to effect order by the city and state governments and law enforcement on the ground, if and when they showed up, as the entire government stood still and stood down, rather than enforce the laws and establish order again. Prepare for more of this, from the usual suspects, and be prepared to see the Democrat Commie representatives and senators gnash their teeth, wring their hands, cry and scream, all at the same time as they pray for their insurrectionist and create Go Fund Me accounts and "get-out-of-jail-free" no-bail programs for their much believed pets and communist foot soldiers within Black Lives Matter, Antifa, LaRaza, the New Black Panthers and every other God Damned, vile, godless creation drawing breath and working to end decent humans their right to live free.
photo: A protest in Oakland, California following the grand jury decision in the shooting of Michael Brown, 25 November 2014
photo: Black Lives Matter “mostly peaceful protest” in Minneapolis, August 2020
To a great degree, Trump's election victory notwithstanding, this movement will be directed from within the federal government and the Democrat majority states, unless Trump can succeed in purging the ranks of his agencies from these subversive, treasonous holdovers of the Obama and Biden administrations, who engaged in work slowdowns and even defied legal presidential orders during Trump's first term. And along this same line, much within the U.S. Armed Forces will be determined by whether or not Pete Hegseth is confirmed as the Secretary of Defense and just how effectively he can carry out his own purge to rid the Armed Forces of Obama's political appointments of communist-leaning officers to the upper echelon of the Armed Forces Command at all levels.
photo: Pete Hegseth takes his seat at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill on January 14th 2025. [by Saul Loeb]
All the most recent civil upheaval seen across America over the past sixty-five years has had its origins in anti-American communist groups from the Students for a Democratic Society to the Black Panthers and on to the modern-day radicals of the New Amerikkan Communist Party __ EeeRrrr __ the Democrat [nothing "democratic" about it] Party. And we also bear witness to the new twist of their alliance with Islamic terrorists who have been committing scores of terrorist attacks against America, since well before 9/11, as these Islamofascists now once again attack America with renewed fervor in the name of their "holy war" and the same pet projects that are near and dear to the Democrat Party Commies, such as the destruction of Israel and nuclear weapons for Iran.
photo: “The way to change the ‘balance of forces’ in favor of Palestine is not through utopian appeals to bourgeois diplomacy, but rather through the global class struggle.” ~ Revolutionary Communists of America]
And damn it all __ can anyone imagine just what sort of new hell we will see, once Tom Homan and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement start implementing the largest mass deportation in U.S. history under orders from President Trump, to put an end to this national calamity that has been worse than any natural disaster in many respects. In case one hasn't been paying attention, New York was the sight of massive protests by Illegal Aliens in the days leading up to and after President Trump winning the 2024 Election. With some thirty million new illegal aliens in the country, in addition to the eleven million illegal aliens already residing here prior to Biden's Open Borders policy, we are sure to see a scale of violence never seen in this nation before -- all hell breaking loose -- once the roundup actually begins, especially since so many are known gang members and associates prone to violence and armed.
photo: Tom Homan way back when he was a Border Agent; and now he’s the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
photo: In an aerial view, a U.S. Border Patrol agent watches over Illegal Aliens waiting to be processed after crossing from Mexico into the United States on December 17th 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. A surge of Illegals, as many as 12,000 per day, and more, have been crossing into America for the entire duration of the Biden regime.
-- if the roundup even really takes place. Many sources have recently suggested that President Trump is already backing off so expansive and complete an operation to simply focus on "violent criminal illegal aliens", to which I say, that isn't good enough and it's not what America demanded, no matter how violently they decide to respond. Any resistance must be soundly squashed and defeated leaving no question that illegal aliens will leave, one way or another.
For over a decade now, there have been thousands of attacks directed at every single segment of our government, its institutions and our society and the republic itself, all coming from the Marxist-Maoist communists. Taken one at a time, yes, they may have elicited some bit of concern from conservative, Christian America, but not enough to raise a general alarm that they were intended to overwhelm the nation by way of a constant continuation of chaos designed to collapse and destroy society and the republic, suppressing and abrogation the traditions and founding principles of America in favor of authoritarian/ totalitarian communism. And at every level within the Democrat party, we saw their tacit approval and encouragement through their own words and deeds.
Originally passed as an amendment to the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950, the following section 84 became U.S. law when it was passed as part of the Communist Control Act of 1954, that was signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower; it has since had most of its sections repealed by Congress in 1993. It's passed the time to bring this back, and we must revisit this and make it the law of the land once more:
"The Congress finds and declares that the Communist Party of the United States, although purportedly a political party, is in fact an instrumentality of a conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States. It constitutes an authoritarian dictatorship within a republic, demanding for itself the rights and privileges accorded to political parties, but denying to all others the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Unlike political parties, which evolve their policies and programs through public means, by the reconciliation of a wide variety of individual views, and submit those policies and programs to the electorate at large for approval or disapproval, the policies and programs of the Communist Party are secretly prescribed for it by the foreign leaders of the world Communist movement. Its members have no part in determining its goals, and are not permitted to voice dissent to party objectives. Unlike members of political parties, members of the Communist Party are recruited for indoctrination with respect to its objectives and methods, and are organized, instructed, and disciplined to carry into action slavishly the assignments given them by their hierarchical chieftains. Unlike political parties, the Communist Party acknowledges no constitutional or statutory limitations upon its conduct or upon that of its members. The Communist Party is relatively small numerically, and gives scant indication of capacity ever to attain its ends by lawful political means. The peril inherent in its operation arises not from its numbers, but from its failure to acknowledge any limitation as to the nature of its activities, and its dedication to the proposition that the present constitutional Government of the United States ultimately must be brought to ruin by any available means, including resort to force and violence. Holding that doctrine, its role as the agency of a hostile foreign power renders its existence a clear present and continuing danger to the security of the United States. It is the means whereby individuals are seduced into the service of the world Communist movement, trained to do its bidding, and directed and controlled in the conspiratorial performance of their revolutionary services. Therefore, the Communist Party should be outlawed."
Right this minute, every single damned red, radical rat bastard commie has the absolute right to shout the joys of the philosophies of Marx and Mao to the heavens and convince others to join him in a commune on some massive plot of land that they may purchase if they can. Go. Be free in your commune and have fun when everything goes to shit. But this isn't good enough for them, because it really isn't about everyone being made equal and sharing in the wealth; it's about accumulating all the resources of a nation, the means of production and raw power into the hands of the few, who will rake off the lion's share of wealth for themselves and their inner most intimate group of cronies, while doling out a mere pittance of those resources and wealth to the citizens, piecemeal and as they see fit, in order to keep them under control and willing to do their bidding in order to survive.
Make no mistake. Trump's victory didn't come by way of any large number of Democrats crossing the political divide to vote for him, not the hardcore Democrats anyway. It came from a coalition of independents who go back and forth between parties, conservatives, libertarians and a large number of new voters, along with disaffected people of color who are taking Trump at his word and hoping for the same improvement in finances as seen during his first term for black and Hispanic communities.
At President Trump's Victory Rally in the Capitol One Arena in D.C., Eric Trump just told the crowd [January 19th 2025], that "the Bullshit ends NOW" as the crowd roared with approval. This followed Dana White, head of the UFC, telling the crowd that we must focus on "what unites us" in the days and years ahead.
Who is "us"? All Americans, from the freedom-loving conservatives and right-leaning anarchists to the all-controlling socialists and communists? If he's using the all-inclusive collective "us", there really isn't hardly one damned thing that actually provides a cause for all to unite under, due to the depth and width and the disparate nature of our worldviews, interests and all we hold dear today.
Many will say that I am promoting tyranny myself by seeking to outlaw the Marxists' attempts to spread their philosophy and transform the nation into something far, foreign and distant from its founding. No. I am seeking to prevent them from imposing their system on me and other freedom-loving, liberty-loving Americans and squashing all our rights in the process.
President Trump is entering the Oval Office with an air of optimism carried upon the winds, and while he may bring the economy under control to some great degree, in a way that sees some good bit of new prosperity for all, he won't really be able to achieve anything much more lasting than anything he did during his first term, because he is still trying to work within the framework of a fascist economic system that is far removed from the economic principles of Adam Smith, as described in 'The Wealth of Nations'; and he will trying to counter all the previous and ongoing current harm done by the Democrat Party Communists, within deeply flawed guidelines of a bastardized Constitution and against a party that doesn't even believe in the Constitution and never follows it unless it benefits their cause: And, he's only got four years to get it all done.
Lincoln didn't save the nation or the cause of freedom, and unfortunately, neither will President Trump. Only freedom loving Americans will be able to save the nation, and it won't happen through pretty words and fat assed bureaucrats shuffling papers back and forth between committees and the houses of Congress to pass more feckless, useless and costly "laws".
For the past decade, I have asserted that our current trajectory cannot ultimately see an endpoint where our political divides are lessened and healed or resolved peacefully, and I believe this to be truer than ever today, especially given the inclination of both current parties to spend like drunken sailors as the national debt sits well past $36 trillion at the moment and economic indicators don't bode well for the future.
Freedom and liberty in America will never be safe so long as there remains one red, radical raging communist or Islamic jihadist within our borders. We can no longer tolerate that which seeks our destruction using our freedoms as the instruments of our subjugation and ultimate deaths. We must not tolerate the intolerant advocates of tyranny who work tirelessly each day to end our covenant founded for the purpose of protecting our families and kinfolk, and we can no longer tolerate those advocates for sexual deviancy, homosexuality, baby murder, individual hedonism, theft and parasitic practices, carbon taxes and fallacious nature worship, communism and the destruction of the traditional American nuclear family.
It is for all the aforementioned and more that America will find itself embroiled deep within a fiery conflagration of civil war with extreme violence in the streets and rivers of blood spilled on both sides, in the not-too-distant future, as true compromises become even more impossible due to increasingly intransigent positions on both sides. These advocates for the fundamental transformation of America and the end of the republic, who stand against everything good and decent America has ever created or accomplished, will eventually force the hand of freedom-loving Americans, just as they very nearly did with the weaponization of law enforcement agencies and mandates and lockdowns perpetrated long after President Trump lifted the lockdown. And those who wish to remain free will see no other option than to drive these petty, communist tyrant-wannabes into the oceans and into existing communist nations elsewhere, of their choosing, or kill them on the spot where they stand, should they refuse to go.
Americans have only a slim chance of reversing the damage done by the communists, globalists and statists without engaging in violence across all segments of society and all levels of government. This is the necessary course of action if this America we love so well is to be saved. It is a moral and acceptable course of action, given the size, scope and nature of the ongoing attack on America, freedom and liberty, our culture, our civilization and our traditional American way of life.
by Justin O Smith
Here-Here! There is no middle ground I’m afraid. The longer the patriots that value the Republic form of government delivered to us, try to walk the gray line to prevent the inevitable conflict of two irrevocably opposite political goals, the less the chances of recovery of the Constitution.
I republished the 30% Monument Land Grab. With a restack note to read the comments, which have more grabs, and the broken wind turbine info anyone is free to use it.