Here-Here! There is no middle ground I’m afraid. The longer the patriots that value the Republic form of government delivered to us, try to walk the gray line to prevent the inevitable conflict of two irrevocably opposite political goals, the less the chances of recovery of the Constitution.

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I republished the 30% Monument Land Grab. With a restack note to read the comments, which have more grabs, and the broken wind turbine info anyone is free to use it.

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This is being done under citizens' noses. I followed the first post about an Iowa lawsuit. It mentioned TN. Duck brought up more under the word Haul. NO, LA, any state that takes Fed Funding they can hide from citizens. Not the first time Gov. Lee has pulled this crap. Illegals, for his construction buds.

UT Receives Funding to Recycle Wind Turbine Blades

Thanks to $1.1 million in funding.


We in Tennessee were unaware our governor did this.

UT Receives Funding to Recycle Wind Turbine Blades


Wind energy has a massive waste problem. New technologies may be a step closer to solving it


What is a Thermoset? In layman’s terms, molding or curing a thermoset is like cooking an egg or baking a cake. Once an egg is dropped into boiling water and cooked, it cannot revert to its original physical state as a yoke. Similarly, after thermosets are molded, it cannot be ground up and reprocessed or remolded.


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Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens.


Its original meaning refers to the political allegiance of an individual and the jurisdiction that a foreign government has over that individual. Birthright citizenship has been implemented by executive fiat, not because it is required by federal law or the Constitution.

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EXACTLY, My Friend!!!

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